Stage 12

Stage 12 – Castle Acre to Fakenham (25.6 km)

Stage 12 of the Camino de Pheasant saw Adrian, Mario and Tom tackle the 26km Castle Acre to Fakenham section on a very pleasant sunny day. After logistics were sorted out in Fakenham and piggy banks raided for the £6 needed for parking, two of the pheasants awaited a jet lagged compatriot fresh off a plane from Portugal.

The trio were soon underway, departing Castle Acre in high spirits even when faced with a familiar bovine nemesis early on the route. Canny moo impressions from Mario nearly backfired on the group, as the herd answered his calls with a strangely messianic zeal.

The first real stopping point took place in East Lexham and saw a whistle stop fly-by of the Saxon round tower, along with enough road kill to fill a freezer. Mysteriously dead squirrels didn’t deter the group, as early lunch was taken in Litcham where Adrian was captivated by the ruins of Litcham Priory and associated signs/symbols.

Litcham marked the turn north, towards Fakenham and the waypoints of Tittleshall, Whissonett and Godwick. Mario kept group spirits high with a cacophony of post digestive noises while the sunshine continued to bless the travellers as they navigated a tricky stretch around the abandoned 16th century village of Godwick. This section of the walk took place across many rutted crop fields, which played havoc with the pheasants’ delicate feet.

Good fortune continued to smile on the group as communications with Mr William Hill were established and necessary arrangements made for wagers to be placed on the Grand National. It was with commentary to this event that the pheasants finally entered Fakenham after approximately six and a half hours of walking, allowing them to (partially) enjoy a well deserved pint in a local Wetherspoons and discuss why all their bets had failed.

Finally, after nearly 115km, the end point of Walsingham is tantalisingly in touching distance with only 10km of the final leg left to go.